Thursday, September 12, 2013

Full Confessional Friday! 9/13/2013

Religion Plays an Important Part in the Lives of Residents. The Largest Group of Churchgoers Are Roman Catholics...

Be it Venial or Mortal (there's no escaping Original), we've all got secrets -- light, dark, funny, sad -- worth bringing to light. The act of confession can be liberating, mollifying and entertaining. Contrition? Repentance? A shot of Tequila? That's your call, sister.  


  1. Welcome to the temporary Confessional place holder until Mrs. G. finishes revamping her blog!

    I confess that while Mr. G. thinks I'm in here (the living room) frantically writing something important on my laptop, my coffee mug is filled with white wine and I am watching Seinfeld bloopers. Occasionally I sigh loudly and tap the keys. So far, so good.

  2. My MIL sent a friend request on FB today... we have both been on for a very long time. The irony is that we live 1.5 miles apart and, yet, I saw her for the first time since Mother's Day (at my house) last week when I took her a gift on her birthday. I had a pretty major surgery this summer and she never called me or stopped by to see if I needed anything. I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone!

  3. Wow, Denise, that is weird. I wonder what she was thinking when she sent the request. Huh.

  4. This has been the longest week. I swear someone snuck in an additional 7 hours long about Tuesday night. Gawd is it Friday yet?

  5. I like it! Looking forward to seeing the new site.

    I'm exhausted this morning, what a night listening to the pouring rain, we are swimming here in the Denver area. Overnight I received two emergency notification texts plus a reverse 911 call at 2 AM. Our house is not terribly close to a creek so we are fine, just soggy. However, an open space park down the street from us has recorded 21.50 inches of rain over the past several days.

    On the plus side, my boss agreed to let me work a 4-day week with Fridays off, which begins today (not planning on getting out of my jammies anytime soon). On the down side, my husband told me last night he has to begin working the swing shift again, at least for the foreseeable future. Not looking forward to that disruption.

    1. This rain is unbelievable. Are you alright this morning?

    2. Yes Monica, thanks, we are lucky to be on higher ground in the 'burbs where we live. I feel so bad for the small town of Lyons, what a mess. Are you in CO too?

    3. In Albuquerque.The rescue response in Co is inspiring...

    4. I'm glad to hear you're ok...we were in Kansas visiting my sister, my father in his new nursing home, and doing some legal business for him there while all this rain was going on. We saw the pictures and were horrified. We got home this evening and fortunately all is well here, but wow, the devastation and stranded people are heartwrenching.

  6. I'm tired of pretending that I'm "tired" so my husband's lack of erection staying power isn't an issue. Like, I notice that he's losing it, and so he'll ask me "Are you ok?" and I say, "Oh, I'm just out of breath. More later?" And then he can act like it's me not him.
    So last night I said, "I'm fine! Let's go!" and he had to stop. Then at 4 in the morning, he tried again. For like a minute.
    I fell asleep.

    Is it wrong?

  7. I so identify with the above. Let us state the obvious.

  8. Hoo boy, I'm tired, but happy. One of my girlfriends started a Downton Abbey night last spring where a group of friends (we were maybe the only ones in America who hadn't seen DA) came to her house one night a week for wine, chocolate, cheese, lots of talking/laughing and two episodes of DA. We finished DA and moved on to sampling other series until DA's return. Anyhow, I always get home late and I'm wound up so I surf, then I'm up super early to get my high schooler out of the house. It's so worth it, though. I love the regular, dependable, weekly camaraderie and I need that. Good weekend to all.

    1. Put Orange is the New Black on your watch list - it's awesome!

    2. I've heard it is! The group did indeed watch the first episode of it during the "sampling summer" but I was gone and didn't catch it. I'm intrigued enough that I think I'm going to Netflix it myself.

  9. Wow, Denise, something like that happened to my friend...she had a double call or card from the in-laws...found out later because she didn't stay in the hospital, she wasn't really sick. I still hate on them for that.

    DH and I are taking my old car to my son and DIL this Sunday. DH keeps saying we should drive longer than them....I am being very selfish and sticking to the 6 hour plan, I don't love driving a long distance and have to, not willing to go longer. I am usually the first to bend over backwards....not so much when it involves driving. Will be happy to see them, and am thrilled to help them with a car.....but am enjoying my "bad mommyness".....and sticking to my guns.

  10. Trudy, you're no bad mom; you're giving them a car and meeting them halfway with it! Besides, young people are all about road trips. (Listen to me, I sound 80.) They'll have playlists going, be talking. Heck, they'll probably blog and instagram it. You stick to your guns!

    Denise, what an odd dynamic, huh? I mean, you don't want your in-laws popping in constantly, but some acknowledgement of life and the occasional crisis would be normal.

    1. The trip is in the bag....not as bad as I thought, my kids were SO grateful for the car....made me so happy we could help. Roses and sunshine all around.

  11. Hubby closed on selling his duplex today. whoopdedoo and thank the gods for this major miracle! we started out in this marriage, 2 years ago, with 5 homes(we each had a home we lived in, we each had a cabin, and he has his Mom's home which he rents out). we're down to one cabin and one house and still his Mom's house, which we're remodeling and it will be on the market soon. this is what happens when 50 something adults marry. too many dwellings and too many mortgages. I see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally!! good weekend to you all.

  12. Well, here you are!

    Oh, Deborah I hope you stay safe and dry. I have a friend who moved to CO a year or so ago, and damned if I can't remember the name of the little town she moved to. I do hope she and her husband are safe.

    1. Oh gosh I hope it's not Lyons! Such a very cool little town and completely devastated by the floods.

    2. It might be, that would be her style. I did get an answer to her email - she said they are safe although there was a scary moment in the river with her husband and grown daughter, and she said they have suffered some loss of property, though their house is still standing.

  13. Deborah, glad you are safe!

    Anon, that would get seriously old. The things women do to prop up our people.

  14. Anon, I can imagine how frustrating that must be. Can you just not state the obvious or would that be too hurtful. There might be medical reasons he can't sustain an erection that could/should be addressed.

    I'm in an opposite situation. I haven't had sex in two years. My husband is a great guy but I'm not sure at 53 I'm ready to commit to a sexless life. My husband says he just has no interest and hat it's not personal. Hard not to take it that way. Is lack of sex a legit reason to bail. He will not talk about it or see anyone. It's just a huge elephant in the room that only I notice.

    I'm curious about the woman last week who feared her husband might be wanting a divorce because of something she said/did. Is everything OK now I hope?

    1. Wow, in reading these comments I'm feeling really lucky --hubby and I seem to have lost interest in sex at the same time. Snuggling and hugging is still important and enjoyed by both of us, but at 50 we're both content with no actual sex.

  15. I'm just glad I'm not alone, although now I've got a combo. For years my husband wasn't interested in sex and I was. Of course, as soon as I have a full hysterectomy and pretty much lose interest myself, he starts talking like I'm the one who's been holding out on him the last 15 years. But when he actually attempts it, he only makes it a few minutes. I don't know which is more frustrating: when I wanted sex and couldn't have it, or now that I don't really care one way or the other and he gets me interested and then can't finish the job. Just makes me want to scream ;-)

  16. Susan, your Downton Abbey nights sound so fun! Those camaraderie moments are SO important and it's nice to hear you indulge yourself!

    I had a loooooooow day yesterday. The bottom fell out and I sent my best friend this awful email about what a fuckup I feel I am. Then it got gradually better and I went on a date (yes, a date! It was actually fun and nice!). Afterwards I check my messages and she had left me this long voicemail telling me it's ok to have bad days but that I am not a fuckup and am awesome. She is just the best best friend I could ever ask for. We are soul mates in the best way and I'm grateful every day for her. I know not everyone has one, so hurrah for best friends!

  17. By the way, folks, you can reply to individual comments here by clicking "Reply" beneath the comment you are referring to. Yay! No more scrolling back trying to figure out who is talking to whom!

    1. See? I'm doing it here. It's nice, because it keeps the different "threads" in one place and makes the Confessional easier to follow. Love it!

    2. I agree, I like this format better! Plus I like the avatars, although I'm sure many people would not want to deal with those.

  18. Anon, that is really shitty. What we accept and allow to keep our relationships going is pretty shitty sometimes. It is part and parcel of how women are socialised to 'care & nuture', I think. I agree with Anon2, if he can cope with hearing it then suggesting a doctor visit sounds like a good idea.

    My girl experienced patriachal bullshit firsthand this week. During a streetside discussion about local politics I was asked a direct question and two men jumped straight in to answer it for me. I don't think those men even realised to what they were doing but she was quite taken aback by it.

    In other news please will you all keep the good vibes flowing strong all the way to mid-October? My girl is trying to gain a place to attend the World Scout Jamboree in 2015. Selection takes place at a camp 19/20 October and there will be over 100 young adults vying for 36 places. It will be three weeks in Japan with 40 000 Scouts from around the world.

    1. I mean Jamboree will, not selection camp. (ironic eyeroll at own careless grammar)

      Delete's our secret.